Contribute to The Void Network
If you would like to contribute to the project, whether that be with content for the ezine or by having your site listed in our resource directory, please email me at the provided address with the title "Contributor" detailing what you'd like to submit. Be sure to provide the content in question as a link or attachment.
We accept all types of content, ranging from articles, anecdotes, tips and tricks, tables and charts, art, creative writing, links to occult websites and tools, and much more. We are a grassroots project, meaning the content is created by those actively involved in the community, so your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Contribution Guidelines
The link below outlines the rules, guidelines, and policy of contributed content. Please be sure to read through it before emailing us. I promise it is painless and simply outlines what we expect from your content, how it is distributed, and other legal disclaimer type stuff.
Contribution Guidelines
Submit Content to This Email
ContributeEmail Address: