Occult Resource Repository
Below you will find a series of lists linking to various resources both directly linked to magick as well as things not made for magick but that can be useful. There is a variety of different types of content, such as blogs, programs, online tools, websites, charts, and then some. All ilnks and downloads have been used and tested by me, Yaxel the Manic, and as far as I know are entirely valid.
If you have created a resource or know of one not listed you think should be added, please contact me through email at manicfoxmagick@proton.me
Content Created By The Void Network
Charts & Tables
- Planetary Correspondence Chart
- A PDF chart of the classical planets and their various correspondences.
- Color Corresondence Chart
- A PDF chart of colors and their correspondences.
Useful Sites
Chaos Magick Tools
- Trinary Web App
- A useful tool that generate sigils with a variety of methods as well as provide reference charts for various systems.
- Sigil Engine
- Generates a sigil out of an input statement of intent.
Chaos Magick Blogs
- Rune Soup
- Gordon White's blog on chaos magick.
- Technomancy 101
- A PDF chart of colors and their correspondences.