Welcome to My Grimoire

First Post

Posted on: December 18, 2023

This is my first post to the Grimoire blog, so I figured I'd just keep it simple.
The website is slowly coming together into a presentable work I wouldn't other people seeing. Bit by bit it's coming together into a coherent website full of information and content. It's a major learning process as I teach myself HTML and CSS along with creating all the content myself from scratch. I am thoroughly enjoying it, and I have found a sense of drive and motivation that I've been severely lacking for far too long.
The Grimoire will be used as a source of extra original content not included in the zine or other places. There will be posts on original rituals and workings, correspondence charts for a variety of topics, personal insights, and so and so on.
I hope this project gains decent traction within the community, and that tons of people are able to benefit from it.
That's all for now. Like I said, simple.
-Yaxel the Manic
Archbishop of the Void